Kansas Jayhawk Community College Conference
2021-2022 Athletic Team GPA Standings By Sport
From the office of Carl Heinrich
Updated July 19, 2022 - 1:50 PM
(DNR) Indicates College Did Not Report Team's GPA
Baseball Women's Basketball Men's Basketball
Rnk College GPA Rnk College GPA Rnk College GPA
1 Johnson County 3.47 1 Barton 3.78 1 NW Kansas Tech 3.57
2 Neosho County 3.47 2 Colby 3.48 2 Garden City 3.29
3 Fort Scott 3.46 3 Cowley 3.45 3 Hutchinson 3.19
4 Cloud County 3.45 4 Dodge City 3.38 4 Independence 3.17
5 Barton 3.43 5 NW Kansas Tech 3.36 5 Hesston 3.14
6 Dodge City 3.39 6 Neosho County 3.32 6 Cowley 3.09
7 Colby 3.36 7 Pratt 3.32 7 Barton 3.03
8 Hutchinson 3.29 8 Independence 3.30 8 Neosho County 2.97
9 Coffeyville 3.27 9 Coffeyville 3.24 9 Colby 2.93
10 Kansas City KS 3.25 10 Labette 3.23 10 Cloud County 2.87
11 Butler 3.20 11 Highland 3.18 11 Allen 2.80
12 Seward County 3.19 12 Cloud County 3.14 12 Coffeyville 2.74
13 Pratt 3.14 13 Johnson County 3.02 13 Highland 2.69
14 Garden City 3.11 14 Garden City 3.01 14 Pratt 2.62
15 Hesston 3.05 15 Hesston 3.01 15 Labette 2.52
16 Cowley 3.03 16 Hutchinson 2.92 16 Kansas City KS 2.49
17 Allen 2.98 17 Allen 2.87 17 Fort Scott 2.46
18 Highland 2.93 18 Fort Scott 2.87 18 Butler 2.31
19 Labette 2.83 19 Seward County 2.85 19 Seward County 2.26
20 Butler 2.80 20 Dodge City 2.23
21 Kansas City KS 2.55 21 Johnson County 2.18
Rnk College GPA Women's Tennis Softball
1 Independence 2.88 Rnk College GPA Rnk College GPA
2 Coffeyville 2.72 1 Barton 3.76 1 Fort Scott 3.75
3 Butler 2.70 2 Cowley 3.42 2 Cloud County 3.72
4 Hutchinson 2.70 3 Seward County 3.40 3 Colby 3.67
5 Fort Scott 2.63 4 Highland 3.60
6 Garden City 2.35 Men's Tennis 5 Kansas City KS 3.59
7 Dodge City 2.15 Rnk College GPA 6 Seward County 3.57
8 Highland 2.03 1 Seward County 3.64 7 Hesston 3.52
2 Barton 3.52 8 Labette 3.52
Women's Golf 3 Cowley 3.45 9 Dodge City 3.51
Rnk College GPA 4 Pratt 3.45 10 Hutchinson 3.47
1 Dodge City 3.61 11 Barton 3.42
2 Fort Scott 3.35 Men's Golf 12 Coffeyville 3.42
3 Barton 3.16 Rnk College GPA 13 Neosho County 3.42
4 Coffeyville 2.75 1 Barton 3.59 14 Allen 3.38
2 Coffeyville 3.51 15 Johnson County 3.36
3 Dodge City 3.46 16 NW Kansas Tech 3.28
Wrestling 4 Fort Scott 3.14 17 Butler 3.20
Rnk College GPA 5 Garden City 3.26 18 Pratt 3.18
1 Pratt 3.50 6 Hesston 3.03 19 Cowley 3.06
2 Barton 3.04 7 Hutchinson 2.80 20 Garden City 3.05
3 NW Kansas Tech 3.00 8 Kansas City KS 2.18 21 Independence 2.95
4 Colby 2.90
5 Cloud County 2.81 Volleyball
6 Neosho County 2.81 Rnk College GPA
7 Cowley 2.18 1 Barton 3.95
8 Labette 1.57 2 Colby 3.79
3 Johnson County 3.67
Women's Cross Country Men's Cross Country 4 Coffeyville 3.60
Rnk College GPA Rnk College GPA 5 Neosho County 3.54
1 Barton 3.67 1 NW Kansas Tech 3.57 6 Fort Scott 3.44
2 Colby 3.67 2 Barton 3.43 7 Butler 3.42
3 Allen 3.34 3 Cowley 3.36 8 Cowley 3.37
4 Hutchinson 3.31 4 Highland 3.36 9 Highland 3.37
5 Neosho County 3.29 5 Cloud County 3.35 10 Dodge City 3.36
6 Butler 3.27 6 Neosho County 3.08 11 Garden City 3.36
7 Cloud County 3.21 7 Butler 2.94 12 Allen 3.33
8 Cowley 3.01 8 Colby 2.94 13 Cloud County 3.31
9 Dodge City 2.98 9 Hutchinson 2.88 14 Seward County 3.25
10 Coffeyville 2.72 10 Dodge City 2.86 15 Labette 3.22
11 Fort Scott 2.66 11 Allen 2.77 16 Pratt 3.21
12 Highland 2.41 12 Garden City 2.77 17 Hesston 3.10
13 Pratt 2.26 13 Pratt 2.70 18 Independence 3.03
14 Garden City 2.27 14 Coffeyville 2.47 19 Hutchinson 3.00
15 Fort Scott 2.11 20 Kansas City KS 2.89
Women's Soccer
Men's Indoor T&F Women's Indoor T&F Rnk College GPA
Rnk College GPA Rnk College GPA 1 Coffeyville 3.59
1 Neosho County 3.28 1 Neosho County 3.41 2 Butler 3.48
2 Barton 3.10 2 Barton 3.31 3 Barton 3.43
3 Highland 3.06 3 Hutchinson 3.10 4 Neosho County 3.37
4 Cloud County 2.95 4 Cloud County 3.08 5 Johnson County 3.31
5 Cowley 2.90 5 Allen 3.06 6 Hesston 3.29
6 Colby 2.87 6 Colby 3.06 7 Cowley 3.28
7 Hutchinson 2.77 7 Cowley 2.99 8 Pratt 3.28
8 NW Kansas Tech 2.76 8 Highland 2.96 9 Allen 3.27
9 Coffeyville 2.71 9 Dodge City 2.88 10 Hutchinson 3.22
10 Dodge City 2.71 10 Coffeyville 2.79 11 Highland 3.12
11 Garden City 2.70 11 Garden City 2.75 12 Garden City 3.01
12 Pratt 2.69 12 Butler 2.58 13 Kansas City KS 2.87
13 Allen 2.67 13 Fort Scott 2.29 14 Dodge City 2.59
14 Fort Scott 2.56
15 Butler 2.54
Men's Soccer
Men's Outdoor T&F Women's Outdoor T&F Rnk College GPA
Rnk College GPA Rnk College GPA 1 Coffeyville 3.45
1 Neosho County 3.18 1 Neosho County 3.44 2 Barton 3.43
2 Barton 3.10 2 Barton 3.31 3 Dodge City 3.33
3 Cloud County 2.95 3 Allen 3.20 4 Cowley 3.17
4 Highland 2.95 4 Colby 3.12 5 Neosho County 3.14
5 Colby 2.93 5 Hutchinson 3.10 6 Allen 3.10
6 Cowley 2.90 6 Cloud County 3.09 7 Kansas City KS 3.09
7 Hutchinson 2.77 7 Highland 3.05 8 Johnson County 2.95
8 NW Kansas Tech 2.76 8 Cowley 2.99 9 Hesston 2.94
9 Pratt 2.74 9 Dodge City 2.88 10 Pratt 2.94
10 Dodge City 2.71 10 Coffeyville 2.79 11 Garden City 2.84
11 Allen 2.70 11 Garden City 2.75
12 Garden City 2.70 12 Fort Scott 2.66 E-Sports
13 Coffeyville 2.69 13 Butler 2.58 Rnk College GPA
14 Butler 2.54 1 Garden City 3.33
15 Fort Scott 2.12 2 Fort Scott 2.85
3 Highland 2.37
4 Hutchinson DNR
Women's Swimming Men's Swimming 5 Pratt DNR
Rnk College GPA Rnk College GPA 6 Barton DNR
1 Barton 3.41 1 Barton 2.40
Women's Bowling Men's Bowling
Rnk College GPA Rnk College GPA
1 Barton 3.35 1 Barton 3.07