Men's Soccer All-KJCCC Selections Announced

Men's Soccer All-KJCCC Selections Announced

Cowley and Johnson County met for the NJCAA Plains District men's  soccer title, and their players headline the 2019 All-KJCCC East Division team, while the West Division Players of the Year came from three different colleges.

Elluan Martins Gomes of Cowley was named the Player of the year in the East Division, and Abdoulaye Agyen of Garden City and Felipe D'Agostini of Garden City tied for Player of the Year in the West Division.

Dodge City's Oscar Zelaya was named the KJCCC West Division Coach of the Year, and Fatai Ayoade of Johnson County and Ruy Vaz of Cowley tied for Coach of the Year in the East Division.

Cowley represented the conference and the NJCAA Plains District in the NJCAA National Soccer Tournament.

The All-KJCCC men's selections can be found here :