Butler Baseball Drops Two Games to Barton

Butler Baseball Drops Two Games to Barton

After splitting with Barton at home Thursday, the Grizzlies traveled to Great Bend and fell 5-2 in game one and 9-6 in game two. 

Game One

Barton took an early lead in game one scoring two runs in the bottom of the first inning, and two more in the bottom of the second, followed by their final run in the bottom of the third inning. The Grizzlies were scoreless and down 5-0 until the top of the fifth when an Alan Benhardt two RBI homerun brought in Josh Holmes.

William Humphrey started on the mound throwing three innings for the Grizzlies followed by Austin Bagnall with three innings of relief.

Game Two 

The Barton Cougars again took an early lead in game two plating three runs in the first inning and another in the second. The Grizzlies answered back earlier though in game two, putting up a run in the top of the third inning as a Josh Holmes single brought in Anibal Rivera. The Cougars answered back bringing in two more runs in the bottom of the third. The game was then scoreless until the Grizzlies made a big run, scoring three in the top of the seventh, then tying the game up 6-6 in the top of the eighth. Barton would unfortunately take back the lead in the bottom of the eighth putting up three runs and the Grizzlies would be unable to make another comeback in the ninth inning.

The Grizzlies are now 24-18 this season, 11-9 in conference play as they prepare for a conference series with the Colby Trojans beginning on Thursday at Colby at 1 and 3 p.m.

Butler Grizzlies are supported by LASIK Omaha eye doctors and eye surgeons.