2024-25 Division I KJCCC Men's Basketball Team Stats

Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
89.96666666666667 1 Independence 30 947-2001 47.3 205-621 33.0 597-900 66.3 90.0
86.14285714285714 2 Barton 35 1061-2294 46.3 254-692 36.7 639-857 74.6 86.1
83.4375 3 Garden City 32 941-2016 46.7 313-863 36.3 473-649 72.9 83.4
82.43333333333334 4 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 30 887-2056 43.1 243-755 32.2 456-661 69.0 82.4
82.0 5 Cowley 34 1009-2117 47.7 246-691 35.6 524-710 73.8 82.0
78.8125 6 Dodge City 32 847-2108 40.2 243-782 31.1 585-817 71.6 78.8
78.6774193548387 7 Pratt 31 846-1935 43.7 229-717 31.9 518-710 73.0 78.7
78.40625 8 Coffeyville 32 880-1960 44.9 247-752 32.8 502-688 73.0 78.4
78.12121212121212 9 Butler (KS) 33 883-2186 40.4 306-980 31.2 505-749 67.4 78.1
78.09677419354838 10 Hutchinson 31 848-1851 45.8 221-644 34.3 504-667 75.6 78.1
76.83870967741936 11 Colby 31 856-1877 45.6 198-606 32.7 468-642 72.9 76.8
76.06451612903226 12 Cloud County 31 834-1960 42.6 266-761 35.0 425-645 65.9 76.1
64.48275862068965 13 Seward County 29 703-1636 43.0 164-525 31.2 295-458 64.4 64.5
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
14.454545454545455 1 Butler (KS) 33 14.5 27.3 41.8 5.0
13.714285714285714 2 Barton 35 13.7 25.5 39.2 2.7
12.40625 3 Coffeyville 32 12.4 26.2 38.6 7.3
11.966666666666667 4 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 30 12.0 25.7 37.7 1.0
11.451612903225806 5 Pratt 31 11.5 25.3 36.8 0.7
11.419354838709678 6 Cloud County 31 11.4 24.1 35.5 -4.3
11.21875 7 Dodge City 32 11.2 27.4 38.6 -1.3
10.470588235294118 8 Cowley 34 10.5 24.3 34.8 1.6
10.419354838709678 9 Colby 31 10.4 24.9 35.3 5.3
10.10344827586207 10 Seward County 29 10.1 23.0 33.1 0.1
10.0 11 Independence 30 10.0 25.5 35.5 -4.3
9.03225806451613 12 Hutchinson 31 9.0 27.3 36.3 0.6
8.4375 13 Garden City 32 8.4 25.4 33.8 -1.5
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
11.8125 1 Coffeyville 32 11.8 7.0 3.2 11.8
12.114285714285714 2 Barton 35 12.1 7.0 3.7 13.7
12.290322580645162 3 Hutchinson 31 12.3 7.3 2.6 14.0
12.64516129032258 4 Cloud County 31 12.6 6.7 3.9 12.7
12.794117647058824 5 Cowley 34 12.8 6.1 3.2 15.7
12.96774193548387 6 Colby 31 13.0 6.7 3.1 11.3
13.09375 7 Garden City 32 13.1 7.2 2.4 15.8
13.53125 8 Dodge City 32 13.5 6.3 4.6 13.3
14.06060606060606 9 Butler (KS) 33 14.1 7.3 3.4 15.0
14.225806451612904 10 Pratt 31 14.2 8.2 3.4 13.7
14.241379310344827 11 Seward County 29 14.2 7.4 2.9 9.7
14.433333333333334 12 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 30 14.4 8.2 4.3 13.9
14.466666666666667 13 Independence 30 14.5 8.1 4.4 14.4
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
1.13069566847928 1 Barton 35 19.1 1.131 0.109
1.0980306345733042 2 Coffeyville 32 14.7 1.098 0.109
1.092904743237946 3 Cowley 34 18.7 1.093 0.226
1.0725045189797149 4 Garden City 32 16.6 1.073 0.023
1.059286808138263 5 Hutchinson 31 15.9 1.059 0.051
1.0461133069828723 6 Colby 31 16.7 1.046 0.013
1.044100580270793 7 Independence 30 21.2 1.044 -0.014
1.0265151515151516 8 Pratt 31 16.0 1.027 -0.025
1.0161603102779573 9 Cloud County 31 19.2 1.016 -0.035
1.011972522080471 10 Butler (KS) 33 21.1 1.012 0.057
1.005080268238163 11 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 30 17.7 1.005 -0.048
0.9735572283342984 12 Dodge City 32 19.8 0.974 -0.015
0.9420654911838791 13 Seward County 29 16.8 0.942 -0.130
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
65.5 1 Cowley 34 739-1874 39.4 198-677 29.2 65.5
70.3125 2 Coffeyville 32 800-1861 43.0 222-634 35.0 70.3
73.34482758620689 3 Seward County 29 744-1633 45.6 247-643 38.4 73.3
73.39393939393939 4 Butler (KS) 33 799-2011 39.7 230-711 32.3 73.4
74.03225806451613 5 Colby 31 784-1837 42.7 266-789 33.7 74.0
74.41935483870968 6 Hutchinson 31 805-1923 41.9 227-730 31.1 74.4
77.6 7 Barton 35 922-2164 42.6 282-848 33.3 77.6
78.64516129032258 8 Cloud County 31 850-1963 43.3 248-740 33.5 78.6
80.46875 9 Dodge City 32 883-2082 42.4 238-759 31.4 80.5
81.34375 10 Garden City 32 980-2102 46.6 195-633 30.8 81.3
81.38709677419355 11 Pratt 31 928-2083 44.6 253-756 33.5 81.4
84.9 12 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 30 913-1960 46.6 244-724 33.7 84.9
90.56666666666666 13 Independence 30 970-2098 46.2 180-621 29.0 90.6
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
21.032258064516128 1 Colby 31 8.9 21.0 30.0 5.3
22.84375 2 Coffeyville 32 8.4 22.8 31.3 7.3
22.88235294117647 3 Cowley 34 10.3 22.9 33.2 1.6
23.379310344827587 4 Seward County 29 9.6 23.4 33.0 0.1
23.942857142857143 5 Barton 35 12.6 23.9 36.5 2.7
24.387096774193548 6 Pratt 31 11.7 24.4 36.1 0.7
25.129032258064516 7 Hutchinson 31 10.6 25.1 35.7 0.6
25.424242424242426 8 Butler (KS) 33 11.3 25.4 36.7 5.0
25.53125 9 Garden City 32 9.8 25.5 35.3 -1.5
26.419354838709676 10 Cloud County 31 13.4 26.4 39.8 -4.3
27.166666666666668 11 Independence 30 12.7 27.2 39.9 -4.3
27.233333333333334 12 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 30 9.5 27.2 36.7 1.0
29.0625 13 Dodge City 32 10.9 29.1 40.0 -1.3
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
18.823529411764707 1 Cowley 34 18.8 10.8 4.8 8.4
14.628571428571428 2 Barton 35 14.6 9.0 3.9 13.0
14.466666666666667 3 Independence 30 14.5 8.1 3.6 16.4
14.424242424242424 4 Butler (KS) 33 14.4 6.9 5.1 10.8
14.1875 5 Dodge City 32 14.2 8.1 3.8 13.5
13.833333333333334 6 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 30 13.8 8.3 3.6 14.0
13.806451612903226 7 Cloud County 31 13.8 7.9 3.2 13.8
12.64516129032258 8 Colby 31 12.6 6.4 2.6 13.1
12.32258064516129 9 Pratt 31 12.3 7.0 2.8 13.8
12.3125 10 Coffeyville 32 12.3 6.5 2.5 11.5
11.931034482758621 11 Seward County 29 11.9 6.8 2.2 14.4
11.84375 12 Garden City 32 11.8 6.5 4.2 13.9
11.709677419354838 13 Hutchinson 31 11.7 5.8 4.9 13.1
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
21.766666666666666 1 Independence 30 21.8 1.058 -0.014
19.25 2 Dodge City 32 19.3 0.988 -0.015
19.02857142857143 3 Barton 35 19.0 1.022 0.109
18.78787878787879 4 Butler (KS) 33 18.8 0.955 0.057
17.90625 5 Coffeyville 32 17.9 0.989 0.109
17.70967741935484 6 Hutchinson 31 17.7 1.008 0.051
17.666666666666668 7 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 30 17.7 1.053 -0.048
17.53125 8 Garden City 32 17.5 1.049 0.023
17.451612903225808 9 Pratt 31 17.5 1.052 -0.025
17.176470588235293 10 Cowley 34 17.2 0.867 0.226
16.70967741935484 11 Cloud County 31 16.7 1.052 -0.035
16.032258064516128 12 Colby 31 16.0 1.034 0.013
15.586206896551724 13 Seward County 29 15.6 1.072 -0.130
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
87.47826086956522 1 Independence 23 700-1528 45.8 156-491 31.8 454-676 67.2 87.5
86.41666666666667 2 Barton 24 729-1585 46.0 170-481 35.3 446-589 75.7 86.4
81.125 3 Garden City 24 681-1479 46.0 230-640 35.9 354-485 73.0 81.1
81.20833333333333 4 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 24 695-1616 43.0 184-568 32.4 375-540 69.4 81.2
81.95833333333333 5 Cowley 24 716-1484 48.2 180-481 37.4 355-490 72.4 82.0
80.625 6 Dodge City 24 661-1610 41.1 185-584 31.7 428-596 71.8 80.6
78.58333333333333 7 Pratt 24 651-1475 44.1 169-530 31.9 415-573 72.4 78.6
76.125 8 Coffeyville 24 624-1422 43.9 183-548 33.4 396-535 74.0 76.1
76.375 9 Butler (KS) 24 622-1561 39.8 210-685 30.7 378-570 66.3 76.4
76.29166666666667 10 Hutchinson 24 644-1423 45.3 162-481 33.7 381-502 75.9 76.3
75.125 11 Colby 24 651-1416 46.0 149-452 33.0 348-462 75.3 75.1
73.43478260869566 12 Cloud County 23 597-1421 42.0 184-541 34.0 311-467 66.6 73.4
62.166666666666664 13 Seward County 24 568-1315 43.2 134-412 32.5 219-347 63.1 62.2
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
14.083333333333334 1 Butler (KS) 24 14.1 27.8 41.8 4.8
13.583333333333334 2 Barton 24 13.6 24.5 38.1 1.8
11.083333333333334 3 Coffeyville 24 11.1 25.3 36.3 4.1
11.875 4 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 24 11.9 25.5 37.4 0.6
10.541666666666666 5 Pratt 24 10.5 26.3 36.8 0.9
10.347826086956522 6 Cloud County 23 10.3 23.5 33.8 -6.5
11.25 7 Dodge City 24 11.3 26.3 37.6 -2.4
10.333333333333334 8 Cowley 24 10.3 24.1 34.5 1.6
9.833333333333334 9 Colby 24 9.8 25.0 34.8 4.5
10.25 10 Seward County 24 10.3 22.1 32.4 0.8
10.521739130434783 11 Independence 23 10.5 24.3 34.8 -6.0
8.833333333333334 12 Hutchinson 24 8.8 26.1 34.9 -1.5
8.041666666666666 13 Garden City 24 8.0 24.3 32.3 -3.1
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
11.583333333333334 1 Coffeyville 24 11.6 6.7 3.4 10.8
12.083333333333334 2 Barton 24 12.1 7.0 4.0 13.4
11.875 3 Hutchinson 24 11.9 7.0 2.6 13.7
12.434782608695652 4 Cloud County 23 12.4 6.9 4.0 12.2
13.416666666666666 5 Cowley 24 13.4 6.5 3.1 16.0
13.541666666666666 6 Colby 24 13.5 7.3 3.1 11.3
12.708333333333334 7 Garden City 24 12.7 7.1 2.4 15.5
12.708333333333334 7 Dodge City 24 12.7 5.6 4.8 14.0
13.625 9 Butler (KS) 24 13.6 7.3 3.3 14.2
14.625 10 Pratt 24 14.6 8.6 3.3 13.2
13.166666666666666 11 Seward County 24 13.2 7.3 3.1 9.7
14.25 12 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 24 14.3 8.1 4.1 13.4
14.391304347826088 13 Independence 23 14.4 7.9 4.3 14.0
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
1.1250339029020884 1 Barton 24 19.7 1.125 0.062
1.0737584484278577 2 Coffeyville 24 16.0 1.074 0.060
1.09095951192457 3 Cowley 24 18.7 1.091 0.199
1.0619034633215163 4 Garden City 24 17.4 1.062 0.005
1.0480824270177447 5 Hutchinson 24 15.8 1.048 0.016
1.038594470046083 6 Colby 24 16.0 1.039 0.030
1.029156010230179 7 Independence 23 21.3 1.029 -0.076
1.0142511427803174 8 Pratt 24 16.0 1.014 -0.061
0.9920704845814978 9 Cloud County 23 18.7 0.992 -0.104
0.9989100817438692 10 Butler (KS) 24 21.2 0.999 0.051
1.0030880082346887 11 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 24 17.3 1.003 -0.048
0.9958826556870818 12 Dodge City 24 19.6 0.996 -0.003
0.9573307667629131 13 Seward County 24 15.7 0.957 -0.143
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
67.29166666666667 1 Cowley 24 536-1336 40.1 141-483 29.2 67.3
71.54166666666667 2 Coffeyville 24 618-1405 44.0 155-464 33.4 71.5
71.66666666666667 3 Seward County 24 602-1310 46.0 206-514 40.1 71.7
72.29166666666667 4 Butler (KS) 24 563-1467 38.4 168-509 33.0 72.3
73.91666666666667 5 Colby 24 625-1469 42.5 219-647 33.8 73.9
75.54166666666667 6 Hutchinson 24 637-1484 42.9 170-549 31.0 75.5
81.33333333333333 7 Barton 24 655-1479 44.3 197-570 34.6 81.3
81.26086956521739 8 Cloud County 23 656-1462 44.9 198-546 36.3 81.3
81.70833333333333 9 Dodge City 24 679-1557 43.6 178-547 32.5 81.7
80.625 10 Garden City 24 721-1538 46.9 140-436 32.1 80.6
83.08333333333333 11 Pratt 24 742-1669 44.5 200-607 32.9 83.1
83.75 12 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 24 730-1563 46.7 188-572 32.9 83.8
93.47826086956522 13 Independence 23 775-1596 48.6 136-450 30.2 93.5
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
21.208333333333332 1 Colby 24 9.1 21.2 30.3 4.5
23.458333333333332 2 Coffeyville 24 8.8 23.5 32.3 4.1
22.458333333333332 3 Cowley 24 10.4 22.5 32.8 1.6
22.375 4 Seward County 24 9.3 22.4 31.6 0.8
24.125 5 Barton 24 12.2 24.1 36.3 1.8
23.958333333333332 6 Pratt 24 11.9 24.0 35.9 0.9
25.416666666666668 7 Hutchinson 24 11.0 25.4 36.4 -1.5
25.458333333333332 8 Butler (KS) 24 11.6 25.5 37.1 4.8
25.458333333333332 8 Garden City 24 10.0 25.5 35.4 -3.1
27.130434782608695 10 Cloud County 23 13.2 27.1 40.3 -6.5
27.869565217391305 11 Independence 23 13.0 27.9 40.8 -6.0
27.375 12 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 24 9.4 27.4 36.8 0.6
28.916666666666668 13 Dodge City 24 11.0 28.9 40.0 -2.4
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
17.958333333333332 1 Cowley 24 18.0 10.0 4.8 8.4
14.125 2 Barton 24 14.1 8.6 3.8 13.7
14.130434782608695 3 Independence 23 14.1 7.7 3.0 16.7
13.916666666666666 4 Butler (KS) 24 13.9 6.8 5.4 10.2
15.0 5 Dodge City 24 15.0 8.9 3.8 13.2
13.458333333333334 6 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 24 13.5 8.0 3.3 14.4
12.956521739130435 7 Cloud County 23 13.0 7.9 2.8 14.6
12.708333333333334 8 Colby 24 12.7 6.5 2.5 13.2
10.416666666666666 9 Pratt 24 10.4 5.6 2.5 13.9
11.5 10 Coffeyville 24 11.5 5.8 2.3 11.9
10.625 11 Seward County 24 10.6 5.6 2.3 14.3
11.958333333333334 12 Garden City 24 12.0 6.5 4.2 14.1
11.666666666666666 13 Hutchinson 24 11.7 5.4 4.9 12.9
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
21.391304347826086 1 Independence 23 21.4 1.105 -0.076
18.916666666666668 2 Dodge City 24 18.9 0.999 -0.003
19.333333333333332 3 Barton 24 19.3 1.063 0.062
19.5 4 Butler (KS) 24 19.5 0.948 0.051
18.458333333333332 5 Coffeyville 24 18.5 1.014 0.060
17.208333333333332 6 Hutchinson 24 17.2 1.032 0.016
18.0 7 Fort Hays Tech Northwest 24 18.0 1.051 -0.048
17.75 8 Garden City 24 17.8 1.057 0.005
18.5 9 Pratt 24 18.5 1.075 -0.061
16.791666666666668 10 Cowley 24 16.8 0.892 0.199
16.130434782608695 11 Cloud County 23 16.1 1.097 -0.104
16.416666666666668 12 Colby 24 16.4 1.009 0.030
14.875 13 Seward County 24 14.9 1.101 -0.143